Namib and Kalahari Basin are two of the oldest lands on Planet Earth. Rock formations here are known to be a billion years old while the crumbled form of those rocks – the sand is mindblowingly two billion… When you add five billion stars shining in a dark night, you feel small, humbled as you are supposed to be, rather than trying to put yourself at the center of the Universe.
Namib is in fact the coastal stretch of Kalahari Basin starting from Namaqualand and Karoo regions of South Africa all the way up to Angola. Sea waves of Atlantic Ocean meets with Sand Waves as sand dunes start right at the coastal line and rise like soft fortress walls in red colour. Sand dunes give way to red rocks when you cross those sand fortresses towards the inland as the air and visibility gets crisper and crisper. It is so crisp that you can see Spitzkoppe, one of the highest peaks in Namib standing only 670 meters over the desert floor, even from 80 kilometers far. Terrain is dominated by both conic-shaped and mostly by flat-top mountains called Etendeka in Herero Language.

The scenery
Namib is a ceremony of breath-taking spectacles of landscapes. Seas of Sands constantly change and are sculptured by winds. Mother Nature shows her art talent in every sense as well as her unforgiving side when She is not respected. However, She can be forgiving and fully giving to any life forms that understand Her with adaptive skills to hold on to life no matter what.
Fossil Rivers – Hoanib, Kunene, Uniab, Ugap, Messum, Omaruru, Swakop and Orange Rivers give life as they run sometimes deeply underground, sometimes in thin lines with rains in summer time from inlands to meet the Atlantic, or come alive with natural springs and oasis where it is much needed.
Namib, with a great help from the Atlantic creates such a surprisingly rich diversity in forms of life. There is abundance of marine life on coasts with sea mammals and fish, and similarly on land in nature reserves. It even applies to the sand dunes and if you know where and how to look, you will see little creatures displaying big efforts for survival.
Simply, exploring and experiencing Namib is extremely informative, both physically and most importantly mentally…

The wildlife